About SJ Ballet
Class Schedule & Fees
Student Resources
Ballet Benefits
   Why Take Ballet?
For Exercise

Dancing allows me to explore myself
in so many ways,
to learn about my limitations and strengths,
my ability
to cope with adversity
and to go farther than I thought I could.
You find out what you're made of.

Andrew Asnes
Producer, Performer, Choreographer

For Continuous Learning

Master technique
and then forget about it
and be natural.

Anna Pavlova
Prima Ballerina

To Socialize & Make Friends

Dance is for everybody.
I believe that the dance
came from the people
and that it should always be
delivered back to the people.

Alvin Ailey
Dancer, Choreographer

To Dance & Have Fun

When you take dancing lessons,
you learn steps and you learn steps
and you learn steps.
It can go on for a long time.
And then one day, you just learn to dance,
and it is so different.

Bill Austin
Producer, Performer, Choreographer

To Learn Choreography

No, I can't explain the dance to you;
if I could tell you what it meant,
there would be no point in dancing it.

Isadora Duncan
Dancer, Choreographer

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